Award-winning spec features & pilots ready to be part of the zeitgeist.


The Bubble

Drama Feature

David Vetter, known worldwide as “The Boy in the Plastic Bubble,” was one of the most famous people of 70s—and the most lonely. His life was candy-coated by the John Travolta movie, but in "The Bubble," we learn the tragic, true story of how his psychologist and closest friend, Dr. Mary Ada Murphy, rescued him from isolation… And David rescued her as well.

Praise from The Black List:

(received an overall 8/10 score)

“This is a remarkable script, very adept at capturing real human emotion and wringing out organic drama… This is as good, if not better, than many period biopics that come out today. It's nicely framed and is packed full of drama, and the writing is excellent. It just needs to be seen; get this in front of the right eyes and someone is surely going to push it to the next level. This writer, with this well-researched and emotional story, as established themselves as someone to watch.”

Read the full evaluation here.


Sci-Fi Drama Pilot

When the founder of the world’s largest tech conglomerate installs an experimental ‘superhuman operating system’ in the minds of four high school students, their intelligence and powers grow in unexpected ways he did not foresee. As the teens explore potentials they never even imagined for their lives and the world they live in, they uncover a vast conspiracy linking their OS to human trafficking, military R&D and worse—making them the targets of entrenched powers that have stifled the evolution of our entire society.


3rd Place in the Stage 32 TV Writing Contest

• Top 100 Specs by TrackingBoard



Comedy Pilot

A group of gay Millennial friends in Los Angeles and San Francisco navigate love, life, and career in our increasingly diverse yet homogenized world.


• Semifinalist in Final Draft Big Break contest

• Semifinalist in WeScreenplay Diverse Voices contest

• Semifinalist in Cinestory Foundation's 2020 Comedy Division

• Quarterfinalist in Stage32 TV Writing contest


Old World

Fantasy Drama Pilot

A woman must confront the darkest aspects of human nature and herself after tragedy binds her to a mysterious spirit-realm known as The Old World.


• Quarterfinalist in the Final Draft Big Break contest

• Quarterfinalist in Cinestory Foundation Drama Division

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