Hi, I’m Dustin.

I’ve spent my entire life exploring two side-by-side tracks: a career in writing, content creation, public relations, and the media that shapes our culture; and exploring spirituality and the healing arts to help me and other find our true selves. I believe in storytelling as a medium for collective healing.

Born & Raised In:
A cornfield in Illinois.

Inspired By:
Japanese video games, YA sci-fi and fantasy books, and lot’s and lot’s of TV and movies.

Initially Self-Taught:
I learned to write scripts by reading almost every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Educated At:
Columbia College Chicago

Forged In:
Los Angeles, public relations, marketing, content writing and editing, and the fires of freelancing.

Currently Obsessed With:
Watching video games on YouTube, K-Pop, economics, the merging of film, TV and video games into a single medium, energy work, the Wim Hof Breathing technique.